Instant deposit

Project: We gave them next-day deposits. But what if they need their money NOW—like within the hour?

Research told us Instant deposit customers were different from next-day customers.

Our Instant customers are in a jam. For 1% per deposit (no cap), they can see their money within the hour. And because you can get money on a holiday or weekend, it’s truly an escape hatch.

Scope: create a new transactional email to announce a new offering, and an add debit card flow that includes a product page and success screen. The multi-factor authentication screens are part of our design system (I didn’t write those).

My role: Sole writer

Who I worked with: Product manager, researcher, visual designer, lead interaction designer, leadership

Basic process: User research > Plan > Design/Copy > Prototype > Test > Release> Iterate > Release

Start: customer has money, not ready for instant deposit

Customer clicks on Invoices to see if they got paid. Money available for instant deposit has a lightning bolt next to it.

If customer has not yet signed up for instant deposit and they want one, they must link their debit card and go through 2FA.

I explain to customers why they need to link a debit card without the tech speak because they don’t need it. All they need to know is debit cards make things go faster.

Success message appears before the screen goes back to Confirm deposit.

Customer gets an email confirming the debit card link and telling them a little about how instant deposits work.

Card’s all linked, and customer is ready to get their money now.

After testing many a goofy success screen, customers told us they didn’t want to goof around. They just wanted to know that it worked and how much money to expect. We had to say it was “on the way” because depending on the bank, it could take anywhere from 2 minutes to an hour.

Emailed instant deposit receipt with details.



If the connection is lost after the customer hits Get it now, we don’t want them to go through the steps again unless they’re sure it didn’t work.


Unexplained error customer should only see once. If there’s still a problem, we show the standard “Check back later…we’re working on it” message

This message appears elsewhere in the product if the customer just had a payout and something isn’t updated yet. Yes, I know this is very disappointing.